

Prosecutor Saab: Detained for terrorism he tried to affect his physical integrity

Immediately, the Public Ministry provided specialized medical care, Saab said.

Published at: 29/03/2024 06:11 PM

The Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, reported that Jerry Argenis Ostos Perdomo, accused of the crimes of terrorism, attempted assassination and illegal carrying of weapons in prohibited places, in an untimely psychotic episode surprisingly tried to affect his physical integrity.

This was announced by Sabb, through his account on the social network X, in which he stated that the accused Ostos Perdomo “was brought before the Counter-Terrorism Court 2 for the crimes of: Terrorism, Attempted Murder, Illicit Carrying of Weapons in Prohibited Places, Instigation to Hate and Association and currently #recluido in Sebin”.

He explained that the defendant “presented an untimely episode #Psicótico yesterday, in which the subject unexpectedly tried to affect his physical integrity.”

“For this reason, we immediately instructed our Biopsychosocial Forensic Division of the Public Ministry: to provide specialized medical care for the diagnosis of your mental health and to provide appropriate treatment for the purpose of safeguarding your Human Right to Health,” he said.

In this regard, he explained that “our specialists diagnosed him: 1) Anxious #Depresiva Reaction, presenting acute and intense symptoms of sadness and anguish and 2) as a result, he was immediately medicated with the corresponding #tratamiento and maintained observation and #vigilancia 24 hours a day as a guarantee of his physical and emotional stability”.

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