

President Putin: The elections demonstrated the cohesion of the multinational people

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
Photo: Internet

Published at: 18/03/2024 08:00 AM

The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, after the results of the first results of counting the votes cast in the presidential elections, which show a sweeping victory for the president.

The president thanked the citizens for their trust and support.” I thank all the citizens of Russia for the trust they have placed in me, and I will do everything in my power to solve all the tasks that have been posed to the country and achieve the objectives that we consider to be priorities.”

The president stated that the elections demonstrated the cohesion of Russia's multinational people. “The high turnout is related to this. People came to create conditions for consolidation.”

Putin recalled that elections are not “something formal”, since “the votes of Russian citizens make up the unified will of the people”.

He also stated that the elections demonstrated the cohesion of the multinational people of Russia. “The high turnout is related to this. People came to create conditions for consolidation.”

The Russian leader recalled that elections are not “something formal”, since “the votes of Russian citizens make up the unified will of the people”.

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