

President of the Supreme Court: Judicial productivity increased by more than 41% in 2023

President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Caryslia Rodríguez
VTV capture

Published at: 31/01/2024 01:20 PM

In accordance with article 26 of the Organic Law of the Judiciary , which stipulates that “on January 7 of each year, or as soon as possible, the solemn opening of judicial activities will be held in the capital of the Republic”; this Wednesday, the Opening Session of the Judicial Year 2024 was held.

The activity was chaired by the national president, Nicolas Maduro, and the highest authority of the Judiciary, Caryslia Rodríguez, who highlighted that between January and December 2023 there was an increase of more than 41% in judicial productivity.

In this regard, he explained that this increase marks higher levels of efficiency in the justice system, “which has led to more cases being resolved in less time”, while adding that in the period mentioned above, 3,800 cases were received in the different chambers of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) and 5,971 judgments were handed down; which represents an increase of 50.91% in general resolution, while in the different jurisdictions of the country 453,988 decisions were issued; which means an “increase of 41.44%”.

He also specified the creation of 25 new courts, 11 new spaces, including courtrooms, telematic rooms, infirmary rooms, liaison rooms, “which will increase jurisdictional work.”

Another achievement highlighted by the highest authority of the Supreme Court is the creation of the Venezuelan Center for Legal Studies, within the framework of the agreement with the Bolivarian University of Venezuela and the supreme court.

On the other hand, he indicated that in the framework of the deployment of the Judicial Revolution, 28,500 prisoners were interviewed and 50,000 hearings were held.

It is important to note that the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez; the President of the Electoral Power, Elvis Amoroso; President of the Republican Moral Council and Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab; the President of the Legislative Branch, Jorge Rodríguez and other representatives of the Executive and Judicial Branch, were present during the activity.

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