

President of the AN proposes the development of a law “to punish the country's traitors”

Regular Session of the AN
AN Press

Published at: 19/03/2024 03:30 PM

The president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, proposed to the Committee on Internal Policy to work on a legal instrument that fully and comprehensively develops Article 130 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela so that crimes against sovereignty, against cultural values and against the integrity of the country are severely punished.

In this regard, the parliamentary authority referred to those opposition leaders who have prevented invasions in Venezuela.

“Give me an example of a country on this planet that accepts that a citizen summons enemy armies against their own country. Do you think that if in the United States a citizen requested the intervention of a multilateral force made up of Russia, China, North Korea in North American territory that citizen would not be imprisoned? I would be in prison, life imprisonment! for treason against the Fatherland,” Rodríguez said.

He described those of the Venezuelan extreme right as dragged out of the empire who have called for evil for Venezuela, while assuring “that sooner rather than later prison is what awaits them, because it is the prison they deserve, a severe penalty for having attacked the country's sovereignty”.

He stressed that each article of the constitution is an order and especially for legislators and legislators. “We are obliged to make that law (on Article 130), a severe draconian law that punishes traitors and traitors,” he stressed.

It is worth remembering that Article 130 states that “Venezuelans have the duty to honor and defend the homeland, its symbols and cultural values; to protect and protect the sovereignty, nationality, territorial integrity, self-determination and interests of the Nation.”

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