

President of the AN: Law against Fascism will punish those who promote this serious crime

Bill against Fascism, Neofascism and Similar Expressions
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 02/04/2024 04:54 PM

During the first discussion of the Bill against Fascism, Neofascism and Similar Expressions, the president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, assured that this bill will ensure that those who discriminate or mark others as inferior because of their skin color, because of their political action, because of their choice of gender, “are duly punished by the competent bodies.”

“Those people who recently dared to burn people alive because of their skin color and the color of the flannel they were carrying, to cut their throats on motorcycles, rose up their criminal ladder and dared to ask for sanctions for Venezuela,” Rodríguez recalled.

In that sense, he argued that if before they dedicated themselves to exterminating people one by one, “now they specialized and seek mass extermination.”

He denounced that behind all these fascists, “there is money and big companies, whose last names were considered to be the owners of Venezuela.”

“They reissue a mass extermination because for the gringos we are less than them (...), but we the least, defeated them and turned them into cosmic dust, we blacks, Indians, people of African descent,” he said.

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