

President of Belarus praised the decision of the Venezuelan people

Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus
Photo: Internet

Published at: 29/07/2024 11:02 AM

This Monday, the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, on behalf of his people, congratulated Nicolás Maduro for the victory achieved last Sunday for his re-election in the period 2025-2031.

“The inhabitants of your country thus supported the path towards the construction of a modern and independent State in which the People can independently determine their own destiny,” said the president.

Likewise, the Belarusian president stressed that “under very difficult conditions, the Venezuelan government managed to achieve a progressive economic recovery and improve the standard of living of the population. Ordinary citizens can clearly hear the firm position of official Caracas on all international platforms.”

The head of state expressed his conviction that, under the leadership of Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela will continue to move forward with confidence along the path of strengthening its sovereignty and developing competencies in numerous areas.

"Minsk is ready to take an active part in this, as confirmed by the recent visit of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus to Caracas. I hope that before the end of the year we can meet with you in a substantive way... discuss the state of implementation of our agreements,” Lukashenko emphasized.

President Alexander Lukashenko wished Nicolás Maduro excellent health and inexhaustible energy for the implementation of all plans to build a strong and prosperous Venezuela.

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