

President Nicolás Maduro: We are going to keep mobilizing!

Second show of Con Maduro de Repente
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 11/06/2024 09:18 PM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, urged the people to be active in the streets across the country. “We are going to keep mobilizing!” , he urged.

From Radio Miraflores in the second broadcast of his program Con Maduro de Repente, the head of state emphasized that the most beautiful force ever seen in Venezuela is the united people. “Throughout the country, from end to end, the people must remain mobilized,” he said.

To maintain the mobilization, territorial occupation, motivation of the people and to turn 1x10x7 into a phenomenon of territorial mobilization that goes all the way to the local. “Let's stay mobilized for Love for the Fatherland! , Let's continue to work out of love and with faith.”

Before dismissing the program, the Head of State called on the People to continue working for the country's economic recovery, united and with strength. He also asked to be alert to a new call for broadcasting his radio program.

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