

President Nicolás Maduro: Sport gave me discipline, will and perseverance

President Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 02/07/2024 08:07 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during an exchange of anecdotes with youth representatives, stressed that sport has been one of his great passions for most of his life as a legacy from his father who instilled in him the need for physical training.

“Athletes always, since I was born, first with street football, with balls made of cardboard, then my dad started playing organized baseball at the age of 10 and I played organized baseball until I was 20, 22 years old when I dedicated myself to other things,” said the head of state during the 12th broadcast of his Maduro Podcast channel on the social network YouTube.

He stressed that sport is important, “because you learn discipline, will, overcome difficulties, go beyond what your body gives you”.

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