

President Nicolás Maduro on social networks: Censor whoever you want, with censorship or without censorship we will beat them

The Bolivarian Revolution is a winner, but we must work to guarantee the victory of the next electoral contest, said Maduro

Published at: 16/05/2024 07:35 PM

This Thursday, May 16, the president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nicolás Maduro, emphasized that social networks can censor “whoever they want, with censorship or without censorship we are going to beat them.”

This was highlighted at the Humboldt Hotel, located in the Waraira Repano Park in Caracas, during the installation of the “Our Venezuela” Campaign Command, where he reported that social networks have their accounts censored in these communication spaces.

In this regard, he urged the grassroots, militants and management structures of the red awning, that in the mobilizations and activities of the electoral campaign, they must “mobilize locally, convince the people in their neighborhood, in their corner, in their urban planning”.

“It's an unprecedented campaign (...) May a thousand popular mobilizations of empowerment flourish to build strength and multiply towards the great mobilization of July 28 and the great victory,” he stressed.

Maduro said that the Bolivarian Revolution is a winner, but we must work to guarantee the victory of the next electoral contest.

For this reason, he instructed the activation of a powerful communication method that allows “to go to the forefront of the world and demonstrate to that world that controls social networks that with Venezuela they cannot and that we will build a new system: Media, Streets, Networks, Walls and Radio Bemba”.

When referring to the calls for the mobilizations, he indicated that they are carried out through the social network WhatsApp “or by Radio Bemba”, and there are massive marches, “but the work doesn't end there, there it starts with the few videos, photos that need to be released, we have good updated campaign music, we have to disseminate”.

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