

President Nicolás Maduro met with Kenyan religious leader David Owuor

This is the second time that the two have met at the Miraflores Palace
AN Press

Published at: 30/04/2024 11:00 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, holds a meeting with the religious leader of the Evangelical Christian Churches, the Kenyan prophet David Edward Owuor Ujiji, with whom he held a dialogue that reaffirms Christian values.

This is the second time that both have met at the Miraflores Palace, after the religious leader's visit on April 5. At the previous meeting, the National President explained that they exchanged ideas related to “Christ, God, Science, Africa, Our America”, as well as anti-colonial struggles.

“An encounter that I describe as exceptional from a human, religious and spiritual point of view,” he emphasized.

During his visit to the country, Owuor developed an intense work schedule in Caracas; Puerto Ordaz in Bolivar State; Cumaná in Sucre; Barinas and Maracay in Aragua. He also participated in the National Conference of Pastors and Ministers of the Gospel in the Renacer Cathedral of La Candelaria parish, as well as in a day of healing and miracles in Plaza Diego Ibarra.

In addition to his commitment to the gospel, Owour Ujiji stands out as a molecular geneticist, the result of his higher studies in the area of Chemical and Genetic Engineering Sciences. His academic career includes a doctorate from Ben Gurion University, located in Israel, in Molecular Genetics and a post-doctorate from the University of New Jersey, where he also works as a professor.

Also participating in the meeting are the president of the National Ministerial Board, Apostle Dan Suárez, and Archbishop Herbert Ayer, a member of the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness in Venezuela.

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