

President Nicolás Maduro: It has been worth it to be loyal to the people

Second program With Maduro De Repente
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 11/06/2024 08:48 PM

“It has been worth being loyal to the people, being loyal to Chávez, being loyal to the Fatherland, I have been loyal and will continue to be loyal to this people, for now and forever.” This was stated by the Head of State, Nicolás Maduro, on the night of this Tuesday, June 11, in his program With Maduro Suddenly.

In his words, the National President recalled the moment when Commander Hugo Chávez told him “now it's your turn” referring to his farewell to this physical plane and the handing over of the witness, to go ahead with the Bolivarian project.

“The whole time has been worth it because now hope is on the street. I swore allegiance to Commander Chávez and never betray him. I have done it,” he said.

He emphasized that he remains firm “in a very great spiritual force, I am a man of God, I am a man of faith and sincere prayer”.

He stressed that “we have been touring the country and I would give my life to defend the people of Venezuela”

“It has been worth it not to fall into the temptations of false offers from the American Government and the empire,” he said.

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