

President Nicolás Maduro: GMVV will build housing in Guayana Esequiba

Presidential Day from Carabobo State
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 07/12/2023 05:57 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced that the Great Venezuela Housing Mission (GMVV) will carry out the construction of housing in Esequiba Guiana.

“The GMVV is coming to the new state, Guiana Esequiba. Congratulations!” , noted at the same time that he reported that he held a meeting with the single authority of the Essequibo territory (M/G) Alexis Rodríguez Cabello, where they addressed issues related to social plans, education, health, housing and everything that is the establishment in Tumremo.

For his part, the Minister of Popular Power for Housing, Ildemaro Villaroel, pointed out that the topographic survey has already been carried out, the heavy machinery forms the terrace for the construction of the 120 houses, which also includes an educational unit.

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