

President Maduro: We are going to continue working for the Fatherland and the future!

President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press Photo

Published at: 19/03/2024 10:20 AM

Through the social network X, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that the Bolivarian Revolution together with the People of Venezuela will continue to work together for the future of the Fatherland.

“In union, leadership and participation, with ordinary men and women, we are moving towards a new era of transformation that will guarantee the full political, social and cultural recovery of Venezuela. We will continue to work for the Fatherland and the future!” , said the National Executive on the social network.

Let us remember that in order to advance the country's development, the National President recently launched the Plan of the Seven Transformations (7T), which covers the economic, independence, security and peace of the nation, social, political, ecological and the integration and leadership of Venezuela in the new world configuration.

“To enter a phase of great momentum, to consolidate and now to move towards a Venezuelan power, to recover the lost ground socially, the time lost economically, to launch the great plans that we can be sure of developing the conquest of a just, very humane and socialist society,” President Maduro emphasized at the time.

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