

President Maduro: We are facing the power of the US government and we are going to defeat them once again

Swearing in of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command
Presidential Press

Published at: 16/05/2024 07:14 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed this Thursday that the real enemy of the Fatherland is North American imperialism, which wants to take over the country, so the electoral campaign ahead of the presidential elections on July 28 is for Independence.

“We are not confronting the patarucos here, this electoral campaign is for the Independence of Venezuela and, in truth, the enemy of the Venezuelan people is North American imperialism, we are facing the power of the United States (US) government and we are going to defeat once again the gringo government and its patarucos they put on,” said the revolutionary leader.

During the swearing in of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, President Maduro stressed that the Bolivarian Revolution team is the only one with a government program, led by the Plan of the Seven Ts Towards 2030.

“You tell me one of the nine patarucos, only one who has a government program, who knows what needs to be done to govern Venezuela,” he questioned, urging that “everyone draw their own conclusions.”

He stressed that the revolutionary team has the Blue Book, written by Commander Hugo Chávez. “We have the revolutionary experience and direct programmatic contact with the People. We have the Homeland Plan written in handwriting by our Commander in 2012. We have Homeland Plan number two, made with the people and based on the original Homeland Plan ,” he said.

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