

President Maduro warns that Milei wants to turn Argentina into a US colony

Head of State Program
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 13/05/2024 08:29 PM

In his program With Maduro+, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, asserted that the extreme right Javier Millei “is doing the dirty work to turn Argentina into a colony of the United States.”

Argentina is a very powerful country for the Continent (...) We need the strength of the south, of Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, and Brazil to join that of the Caribbean,” he pointed out, adding that “we Caribbean people must use our verb and word to denounce and leave that right naked and build alternatives that promote the future.”

He insisted on the need to “strip the new right wing in America because in the end it is the most dangerous project we have seen in the last 100 years, because it destroys the National State.”

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