

President Maduro: Venezuela has been subjected to more than 930 coercive measures in the last 8 years

“Venezuela has lived for all these years, harassed, besieged, with conspiracies and permanent public campaigns,” the head of state denounced

Published at: 01/03/2024 06:58 PM

This Friday, March 1st, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, once again, denounced that Venezuela has been subject to more than 930 unilateral coercive measures over the past eight years. “Criminal sanctions against the economy, against the Venezuelan people and society,” he said.

In that regard, referring to the measures and blockades, he also maintained that “we have always raised our voice to demand the lifting of the blockade of our sister Cuba.”

“We have had the consensus of the 33 CELAC countries and we have had the almost complete consensus of the United Nations General Assembly,” he said.

However, despite having obtained the above-mentioned support, “the United States of America, instead of taking a step of rectification in respect of international law, on the contrary, has intensified the blockade against our sister Cuba, but it has also launched an attack against society, the economy and the people of Venezuela,” he said.

This approach was made in his speech at the VIII Summit of Heads of State of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which is being held in Kingston, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

“We have resisted (...) In one year, Venezuela went from a revenue of 56 billion dollars from oil, the next year, an income of 700 million dollars, 99% of the loss of Venezuela's income,” he explained.

In that scenario, he stated that these measures “sought to collapse Venezuelan society in order to implement the so-called failed formula of regime change, through the economic, social and political implosion of Venezuela.”

He also recalled that Venezuela was threatened with military invasion, “it has lived for all these years, harassed, besieged, with conspiracies and permanent public campaigns to try to justify the unjustifiable.”

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