

President Maduro: Venezuela has been a field for multidimensional war experiments

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 26/01/2024 04:51 PM

During the Maduro Podcast, the head of state, Nicolás Maduro Moros, spoke with the president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, and the first female combatant, Cilia Flores, about the psychological war that has been sown by the Venezuelan right since the arrival of Commander Hugo Chávez to power.

“There is a great psychological operation on the population, a brutal psychological operation that generated hatred, intolerance, the desire for revenge; all the expressions of what we saw and experienced at that time,” he said.

In this regard, he denounced that Venezuela has been a field for multidimensional war experiments, while highlighting the firmness of the People who have loyally been able to resist these attacks.

For his part, the president of the National Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, explained that the Venezuelan right wing has had as its psychological strategy “to generate a breeding ground from which any quality of crimes can emerge, from any adventurous action that would generate immense damage as they generated in 2002, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, among others.”

In this regard, Cilia Flores pointed out that these actions are old, as they were in the case of the assassination of Jorge Rodríguez Padre and that they were currently inherited by the current masterminds of attacks against the Bolivarian Revolution. “They already bring that instinct, they plan and they are macabre,” he emphasized.

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