

President Maduro urged youth to cultivate conscience and patriotic values

“I call on young people to do two things: to love their country and to defend it with passion,” said the head of state

Published at: 28/05/2024 08:06 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, handed over the fully rehabilitated “El Triunfo” Bolivarian Primary School, located in the Casacoima municipality, in the Delta Amacuro state, which will provide training for 590 students.

Announcing this award, he emphasized that “I call on young people to do two things: to love their country and to defend it with passion”.

“There is only one and our homeland is Venezuela, youth and secondly, I call for cultivating their conscience and their patriotic, humanist and Christian values,” he argued.

He proposed this in Delta Amacuro state, where he led a working day dedicated to the advances of the Military Community Brigades for Education and Health (BRICOMILES).

The head of state assured that the Bolivarian Revolution, in its firm purpose of guaranteeing the welfare of the population, has promoted the training of young people as future professionals to serve the Fatherland.

Among the spaces intervened are sports fields, Bolivarian Information Technology and Telematics Centers (CBIT), as well as bathrooms.

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