

President Maduro to the patarucos: In times of elections they try to put on a disguise of dialogue

New program of the Head of State
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 03/06/2024 07:10 PM

On the night of this Monday, June 3rd, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, addressed the “patarucos” to tell them that “in times of elections they try to put on a disguise of dialogue, of life sparing and democratic”.

In the Digital Zone space of his Con Maduro+ program, the Head of State commented on a series of publications made through the social network X by the opposition candidates who are in the electoral contest on July 28.

“(...) Let's find out who's wearing the costume. Which of them has the capacity to take the reins of the country? Which of them has the capacity and a real government program for the people?” , he asked the audience.

The Head of State explained that “the patarucos who are in an uproar against Maduro”, because “they know that Maduro is not a weak, manipulable man, a puppet of anyone (...) they know that this man who is here was forged in the struggles and had Hugo Chávez as his teacher”.

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