

President Maduro to indigenous boys and girls: My love and my blessings in their day

Indigenous Children's Day
Photo @NicolasMaduro

Published at: 18/03/2024 09:32 AM

This Monday, March 18, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, sent his love and blessings to the indigenous boys and girls of Venezuela, in order to celebrate their day.

“To the indigenous boys and girls all my love and blessings in their day! You are the irrefutable imprint of our heroic history that constantly shows us the way forward. Every fight we undertake is for them to be happy and live in a Homeland of Peace and Equality,” wrote the National President on the social network X.

It is important to highlight every March 18, in Venezuela, the National Day of the Indigenous Child is commemorated , as part of the tribute to those who are the present and future of those who planted their first footprint in these lands, which they defended with courage and fierceness in the face of imperial ignominy.

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