

President Maduro to grandparents: See you in victory on July 28

President Nicolás Maduro during a video call during a Sovereign Field Fair in El Valle parish

Published at: 08/06/2024 02:26 PM

With a lot of love and joy, the grandparents of the Las Malvinas sector of the El Valle parish in Caracas, the video call of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

During a Sovereign Field Fair led by Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, the head of state sent an emotional message to the country's older adults.

“I give my hug to grandparents (...) on July 28, we'll see you in victory,” said the National President, while ordering a special Clap for adults and older adults.

In addition, he urged grandparents to defend Esequibo against the plans of the Venezuelan right that seek to hand over this national territory.

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