

President Maduro: The US wants to materialize territorial dispossession against Venezuela

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 07/12/2023 06:40 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros, called on the people, especially the youth, to be alert to the plans of dispossession that the international right seeks to materialize, against the Venezuelan territory of Guiana Essequiba, after the Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, confirmed his support for the government of Guyana in the territorial dispute and affirmed that the irrito Arbitral Award is the way to follow.

“The North American Empire, the remnants of the British Empire and the Right are trying to dispossess us of our land. That's where Secretary of State Antony Blinken, of the United States, came out to give a speech against Venezuela, to support the 1899 Arbitration Award that they imposed with the British Empire,” he warned from La Casona Cultural “Aquiles Nazoa”, located in the state of Miranda.

He stated that this plot is being woven from different fronts and those who participate have been the same people who bet on the coup d'etat and the installation of a parallel government in Venezuela.

Iván Duque, Sebastián Piñera, Mario Benítez, and others, the same ones who tried to invade from Cucuta, the same ones who took (Juan) Guaidó to Cucuta, the same ones who support the López, the Borges, the Machado, the Capriles, the same people appear with a document stating that Guyana Esequiba belongs to Guyana, ignoring the rights of Venezuela, ignoring the Pueblo decision,” he said.

“The Government of the United States is biased against Venezuela” regarding the territorial dispute over the Essequibo territory, denounced the president who called “the people to combat, to the maximum moral, to the maximum union”.

In this regard, he asserted that the only valid instrument for the resolution of the territorial dispute over Guiana Essequiba is the Geneva Agreement, but without provocations, without arrogance, without bellicose speech. In the same way, he questioned the position of the United States regarding the situation between Venezuela and Guyana, when it promoted aggressions by that country against the nation.

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