

President Maduro: The United States seeks to destroy the values of youth and lead them to violence

The head of state recalled that starting this year, starting next May 15, in Venezuela, Family Day will be celebrated

Published at: 07/05/2024 07:26 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, stressed the need to promote the union of the family nucleus and values such as solidarity, love for parents, since North American imperialism seeks to morally destroy Venezuelan youth.

“North American imperialism wants to destroy the values of our youth and put some cockroaches in their heads and lead them to violence, drugs and pornography,” he warned.

For this reason, he stressed the importance of “uniting the family, nobody is going to take me away from that goal” and called on fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandparents to be alert to take care of young people and offer them training for “the good country”.

This was stated in the municipality of Tocópero, in Falcón state, where he led the working day on the progress of the Military Community Brigades for Education and Health (BRICOMILES), where he recalled that starting this year, starting next May 15, the Day of the Family will be celebrated in Venezuela.

He specified that on that day “we are going to make great mobilizations with the Christian people, with the people of the streets, of the churches”.

On the other hand, he reiterated to the authorities and the Popular Power that the path is the BRICOMILES, the communities, the Bolivar Chávez Battle Units (UBCH), “that is our path, because it is the path of true, direct, popular democracy.”

“The new democracy, we are on the right side of history,” he said.

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