

President Maduro: The People of Los Teques took to the streets to say: “No to sanctions”

“Miranda is still tied to the Fatherland!” , stressed the Head of State

Published at: 24/05/2024 09:12 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, praised the commitment to the Homeland of the inhabitants of the capital of Miranda who took to the streets to defend the Bolivarian Revolution and rejected the criminal blockade of the United States against Venezuela.

Through his account on the social network X, the Head of State said:” Miranda is still tied to the Fatherland!” , in reference to the Chavista rally this Friday, May 24.

“So the town of Los Teques, in the municipality of Guaicaipura, took to the streets to say: “No to the economic sanctions imposed by the American empire.” With love we defeat adversity! We will continue to win” “added the national president.

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