President Maduro: The New Society Must Overcome the Decline of the West

“Bad examples come from decadent civilization, drug addiction, pornography and destruction of the concept of family,” said the head of state “Bad examples come from decadent civilization, drug addiction, pornography and destruction of the concept of family,” said the head of state
“Bad examples come from decadent civilization, drug addiction, pornography and destruction of the concept of family,” said the head of state

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 18/12/2024 06:48 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, called on the People of Venezuela and the Peoples of the world to build a new civilization, a new society, based on love, justice, equality, respect for the peace of peoples, that overcomes the decline of the West, that so-called “civilization of modernity”.

“We consider the defense and construction of the family nucleus as fundamental to educating, forming values and building a healthy and peaceful society,” he emphasized.

In the meeting with the justices of the peace, elected by the communes last Sunday, December 15, he argued that “that decadent Western civilization of modernity and postmodernity failed, collapsed, is not an option for humanity”.

“It's not encouraging for the interests of the human being. It's going to destroy the concept of family, of culture,” he stressed.

The head of state specified that from this decadent civilization “comes bad examples, bad advice, drug addiction, pornography, the destruction of the concept of family, of culture”.

He explained that all actions are aimed at building a new modernity, “our American one, a new humanist modernity and I say, based on the values of Christ, of Bolivar, a truly democratic, socialist modernity.”

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