

President Maduro: The men who intended to attack me are from Vente Venezuela (+confessed)

Registration of the candidate of the Bloc de la Patria before the CNE
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 25/03/2024 04:36 PM

From Diego Ibarra Square, in Caracas, after registering, before the National Electoral Council (CNE), his candidacy for the next presidential elections, the candidate of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nicolás Maduro, denounced new conspiracy plans against him.

“Today, two men who infiltrated the march were captured, with weapons, who intended to attack me. They have already declared, they are part of the fascist extreme right party Vente Venezuela,” said Maduro, at the same time that he assured that they are convicted and confessed.

In that sense, Maduro asked the People not to forget who were the ones who called for sanctions, blockade, invasions, against Venezuela, “those are the same people who attempted coups and thousands of times, they are the ones who have tried to kill me.”

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