

President Maduro: The Great Mission Viva Venezuela must be consolidated as a powerful movement

“It's a solid starting point,” said the head of state

Published at: 20/09/2024 05:26 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, emphasized that the record reached of 514,000 cultivators and cultures, the Great Mission “Long Live Venezuela, My Beloved Homeland”, is the basis for creating the most powerful movement in a nation, such as its spirituality, identity and culture.

“We are already a community, but we must consolidate ourselves as a powerful movement,” he emphasized.

He said that it must be “the most powerful movement a country can have to have the right to live and exist in this world, it is the movement of its spirituality, its identity, its culture, its way of being authentic”.

In this regard, he stressed that the aforementioned number of registrations “is a powerful starting point for what needs to be done, of any revolutionary cultural movement that has been created in Venezuela in 200 years of the Republic and in I don't know how many years of resistance.”

“It's a solid starting point, now the big task is to give it shape, expression, organization,” he said at La Casona Cultural Aquiles Nazoa, where he led the Meeting with the state promotion teams of the Great Mission “Long Live Venezuela, My Beloved Homeland”.

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