

President Maduro: Thank you Commander Chávez!

Mobilization of the Bolivarian Fury this Sunday in Caracas
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 04/02/2024 01:19 PM

This Sunday, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, congratulated the country's revolutionary militancy for leading an immense mobilization. “Thank you Chavez! Here is your people.”

“Today I want to look up to the sky and say: Thank you Commander Hugo Chávez for your rebellion. Long live Chávez! Today where our Commander is with us. Today, 32 years after 4F 1992, we thank the Commander so much.”

The Head of State added that “we are in the presence of a huge mobilization of the Bolivarian Fury. They left last night and are still arriving (...) and they came down and arrived, the People of the Bolivarian Fury against the stateless oligarchy to guarantee peace and the Homeland, as well as national union.”

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