

President Maduro signed the Law on the Housing and Habitat Benefit Regime for the working class

Nicolás Maduro, president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with the first female combatant Cilia Flores de Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 01/05/2024 06:36 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, signed the Housing and Habitat Benefit Regime Act for the working class, workers and the Venezuelan family on May 1st, which “guarantees more direct access by the worker, the worker to the allocation of housing.”

The Head of State, after the mobilization of the revolutionary working class on May 1, announced that the Bolivarian Government and the workers of the Homeland are working to build, deploy and develop the new economy that generates productive employment and income for the country and for workers, both the private sector and the public sector.

In this regard, he stressed that a special reform was carried out to the Housing and Habitat Benefit Regime “at the request of the CPT, the unions and the labor base”.

He explained that the regulations establish a set of new rights. “Yesterday I delivered the house 4 million 900 thousand; next week we will get 5 million to the house.”

He specified that the goal is to build 2 million more, to reach 7 million decent homes delivered.

“I immediately proceed to sign and take effect this Act, which guarantees more direct access for the worker, to housing allocation, to housing finance. Housing for the working class! Signed, approved. Compliant!” , he exclaimed.

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