

President Maduro reaffirms his commitment to continue recovering educational and health spaces

President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro
Photo @NicolasMaduro

Published at: 28/05/2024 10:01 AM

Through the social network X, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, reaffirmed his commitment to the recovery of educational and health spaces for the people of Venezuela, through the great work being done by the Military Community Brigades for Education and Health (BRICOMILES).

“In Venezuela we are united from the heart! It is a union of the soul, of the new spirituality of our Venezuelan identity, with purpose, work and concrete action with the BRICOMILES. We are going up for love of the Fatherland, recovering every educational space and health center,” wrote the Head of State on the social network.

Since the activation of BRICOMILES, as part of the 1 x 10 system of Good Governance, the Bolivarian Revolution seeks to guarantee the rehabilitation and equipment of health centers and educational spaces, in order to provide comprehensive medicine and optimal spaces for free and quality education to the Venezuelan people.

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