

President Maduro ratifies his commitment “to make Maracaibo a territory of peace”

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 21/06/2024 01:06 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ratified his commitment this Friday “to make Maracaibo a territory of peace”, after his pilgrimage to the state of Zulia, where he delivered important works for the welfare of the people.

Through an audio broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), the Head of State recalled his journey through the La Guajira Subregion, where he shared with the indigenous peoples who expressed their support for the Bolivarian Revolution, ahead of the presidential elections on July 28.

Later, President Maduro met with the population of Maracaibo. “Take part in two very beautiful moments: delivering in record time and package the entire theater of the Zulia Children's Singers (...) and then participate in a wonderful event, also in record package time I delivered the great new Santuario de la Gaita building, now there for the Maracaiberos, for the entire Zulian People, the National Gaita Foundation, and we are going to build hundreds of bagpipe schools all over Venezuela,” he said.

In addition, the radio station Gaiterísima 94.7 was launched. What a joy to be able to contribute and give a grain of love for the people of Zulia, the town of Mara, the town of Maracaibo, the whole town!” , he said.

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