

President Maduro proposed holding global youth camps to explain the truth about Venezuela

“We are doing a camp and bringing together a thousand youth student leaders from around the world,” said the head of state

Published at: 12/09/2024 07:36 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, proposed that the Youth militancy of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (JPSUV), together with young people from Venezuela and from different countries, carry out international political work, through global youth and student camps in the country, every two months.

“In your organizational scheme (JPSUV) I see that international work is not contemplated, so we are going to work to internationalize the truth and hope of Venezuela in the world from its youth,” he explained.

In this regard, he pointed out that the tourist spaces of Waraira Repano can be used for the activity, “we make a camp and bring a thousand youth student leaders from around the world.”

“Two months later, we do them (camps) in the Great Shroud, and two months later we installed it in Mérida on the Cable Car, two months later in Los Roques,” he said in the Plaza of the Anti-Imperialist Rebellion, near the National Pantheon in Caracas, where he was received by revolutionary youth, on the occasion of the celebration of the 16th Anniversary of the JPSUV.

The head of state also mentioned other locations such as Betijoque, on Margarita Island, “and throughout the country, may you be the ones who invite student, professional, athletic, cultural, network, science, and all youth”.

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