

President Maduro presents Plan for Q7: “It's the project for the future”

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press

Published at: 25/07/2024 12:46 PM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, presented this Thursday, in detail, to the population the Plan for the Homeland of the Seven Transformations (Q7), heading to 2030, ahead of the presidential elections on Sunday, July 28.

From the Miraflores Palace, in a message to Venezuelans, the Head of State stressed that this “is the project for the future, the program for the future, the Plan of the Seven Years, the Plan for the Homeland that has been perfected by Commander Chávez and its historical objectives, and has been assuming the changes and transformations that Venezuela needed in all these difficult times we are living in, of sanctions, persecution, blockade”.

He stressed that the project was “conceived and written from the streets, together with the People, in the broadest consultation that has ever been done. It is the product of an encounter between all sectors, from all territories, and most importantly, between Venezuelans and Venezuelans, who are, in short, the only protagonists of this story.”

“I can say that it's a plan made in Venezuela and if it's done in Venezuela it's better. Millions of social leaders, economic actors, scientists, academics, intellectuals, peasants, indigenous peoples, Afro-Venezuelans, women, young people, grandparents. Finally, the entire society was consulted and they debated and provided their contributions to consolidate the great changes and transformations that Venezuela requires and needs and that we are building,” he emphasized.

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