

President Maduro: People go to our marches out of conscience, out of love, out of their own will

“The Presiding People, it's impressive, it's an unprecedented campaign,” said the National President

Published at: 03/06/2024 09:23 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, assured that in the current electoral campaign, the candidate is the Venezuelan people, since the number of mobilizations organized by communities on a national scale is impressive.

He argued that “here people are not paid to go to mobilizations, nor to buses nor to motorized vehicles, here people go out of conscience, out of love, of their own will”.

“The Presiding People, it's impressive, it's an unprecedented campaign,” he highlighted in his program “With Maduro +”, in the 48th edition.

He specified that last week more than 40 mobilizations took place in the country and 39 marches are planned for this week, “in Guárico, Carabobo, Bolívar, Táchira, Sucre, Cojedes, Caracas, Trujillo, Miranda, Monagas, Anzoátegui, Lara, Nueva Esparta, Mérida, Barinas, Delta Amacuro, Zulia, etc.”

Regarding the call for mobilizations, he stressed that it is carried out by “ordinary men and women, with their WhatsApp, the door to door, suddenly there are 10, 20, 200 (...) up to 15 thousand like in Guatire, the first time that a march has been held with more than 15 thousand Guatireños and Guatireñas”.

In that regard, he urged the People to maintain permanent mobilization, “with their own will, with honesty”.

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