

President Maduro: Our Venezuela Campaign Command will consist of seven work teams (+detail)

Installation of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command

Published at: 16/05/2024 06:57 PM

The president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nicolás Maduro announced the names of the members of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command. He reported that the general coordination will be in charge of the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez.

The Central Coordination is composed of the first vice-president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, the deputy Cilia Flores, governor of Miranda, Héctor Rodríguez, the executive vice-president of the country Delcy Rodríguez, as well as Luis Reyes Reyes and Nahum Fernandez. Meanwhile, the Executive Secretariat is made up of leaders Vanesa Montero and Grecia Colmenares . The main spokesperson for the Campaign Command will be led by Rafael Lacava, Genesis Garvett, Luis José Marcano, Gabriela Jiménez, Jorge Arreaza and Blanca Eekhout.

The leader of the red awning explained that the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command is made up of seven teams whose mission will be to articulate political, ideological and logistical capacities in order to unify the country.

Electoral strategy, which will be led by the deputy Cilia Flores, will have Freddy Náñez in the Executive Secretariat. It will consist of Carolina Cestarí, Mario Silva, Ilenia Medina and Ricardo Sánchez.

The 7T and International Relations team, will be led by the country's executive vice president Delcy Rodriguez, and will have deputy Nicolás Maduro Guerra in the Executive Secretariat. It will consist of Rander Peña, Rodolfo Crespo, Ricardo Menéndez, Samuel Moncada and William Castillo.

The team of the Great Patriotic Pole, extensive alliances and social movements will be led by the governor of Miranda, Héctor Rodríguez and will have Francisco Torrealba in the Executive Secretariat. It will consist of Julio García Zerpa, Orlando Camacho, Gina Hung, Erika Farías, Gilberto Giménez, Didalco Bolívar, Henry Hernández and Heryck Rangel.

For the team called Generations of Revolution 5, the direction will be led by Luis Reyes Reyes, with José Alejandro Terán in the Executive Secretariat. It is composed of Fernando Soto Rojas, María León, Francisco Arias Cárdenas, María Cristina Iglesias and Yadira Córdova.

For electoral machinery, under the 1X10 + 5X5 method in defense of the vote, the direction will be the vice-president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello and will have Francisco Ameliach in the Executive Secretariat. It will consist of Pedro Infante, Williams Benavides and Henry Parra.

In communications, the president of the National Assembly will be in charge, deputy Jorge Rodríguez. Gustavo Villapol will be in the Executive Secretariat. It will consist of Alex Saab, Camilla Fabri from Saab and Patricia Villegas.

The psuvist leader added that the Our Venezuela Campaign Command is called to become the epicenter of the articulation of political, ideological, spiritual and logistical capacity to unify the country. “Unite All of Venezuela because, without a doubt, hope is already on the street and Venezuela will know how to win.”

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