

President Maduro: Only through knowledge can the country's reality be transformed

If independence 200 years ago was political, in the 21st century, it's about the independence of minds, said the head of state

Published at: 23/05/2024 05:37 PM

This Thursday, May 23, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that it is essential to recognize the power of knowledge, since “only through knowledge can we transform the reality that we have as a society, human beings, even as humanity”.

“As Ali First said, for humanity to be human,” he said.

This was stated at the “Aquiles Nazoa” Cultural House, where he led the “Women in Science and Technology” Meeting, in which he pointed out that the transformation of reality is a central need of the human being, to “make more friendly, to build well-being around them, to think about the future”.

In this sense, he considered that it is impossible to think about the future of humanity, without taking into consideration the scientific and technological independence of the countries of the world.

For this reason, he argued that if independence 200 years ago was eminently political, in the 21st century it is the independence of minds.

“We have seen how colonialism is based on mind control, it is based on the obscurantism of education and today colonialism is presented as technological and scientific dependence,” he emphasized.

The head of state, said that ultimately science is called to answer the great questions and needs of the present, “always in the face of science and its vertiginous and impressive advances,” he said.

Also, at the beginning of the day, she said that it was “a pleasure to be with you women scientists from the Great Science, Technology and Innovation Mission “Dr. Humberto Fernández Morán”.

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