

President Maduro on the ICJ and the ICC: Venezuela does not accept judicial colonialism from anyone!

“The ICJ is in the hands of the Western global empire, it is in the hands of transnational corporations,” he denounced
Presidential Press

Published at: 04/03/2024 08:40 PM

“Venezuela does not accept judicial colonialism from anyone, and now least of all the world is questioning that system that is exhausted and why is it exhausted? , because we are seeing live and direct a genocide of Israeli Zionism against the People of Palestine and those organizations are doing nothing”.

This was stated by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during the broadcast of his program Con Maduro+, where he did not hesitate to point out as “accomplices” in the genocide carried out by the Zionist government of Israel against the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip.

“The International Court of Justice (ICJ) and these multilateral judicial bodies are indirect accomplices in genocide with their silence,” he emphasized.

He stated that “a decision of the ICJ could stop the genocide in Israel and what does it do? Nothing! Because the ICJ is in the hands of the Western global empire, it is in the hands of transnational corporations.”

He warned that with the dispute between Guiana Essequiba, the ICJ “is trying to trick”, so he confirmed that Venezuela will not recognize any sentence issued by this instance.

“An audience will be held on April 8 that we don't recognize and I told President Guyana on December 14 in front of all the prime ministers of the Caribbean and I told him it again at the CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) Summit, Guyana can decide how to waste its time, Exxon Mobil has bought the votes, but Venezuela has never accepted the ICJ's jurisdiction in the matter for 45 years of the Essequibo, but also the People in a referendum that rejected it, ratifying this historic position,” he stressed.

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