

President Maduro on the 4F rebellion: They said down with oligarchy and down with imperialism!

President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro
Photo Capture

Published at: 04/02/2024 01:25 PM

This Sunday, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted that the rebellion led by Commander Hugo Chávez, on February 4, 1992, came to say: “Down with the oligarchy, down with imperialism!”

In this regard, during the reception of the Great Bolivarian Fury National Caravan, he stressed that the Commander confirmed that, as 200 years ago, “the Revolution of (Simon) Bolívar, of the liberators, had arrived, and that's how Bolivar arrived with his cause, with his flag”.

Venezuela was the epicenter of the great rebellion of the people and the Liberation Army against the colonizing project of imperialism,” he stressed, recalling that the People had already left in the 80s to stop the package and against the neoliberal colonialist model.

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