

President Maduro: On June 9, we will make a 1x10 cut to check the machinery

Head of State since Waikiki in Carabobo state
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 31/05/2024 05:34 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reported that next Sunday, June 9, a process of reviewing the electoral 1x10 will be carried out throughout the country in order to monitor the machinery. This was stated from Waikiki in Carabobo state in a large popular rally in support of the Bolivarian Revolution and in rejection of the imperialist blockade of the country.

The Head of State asked the People: “How is the 1x10? Who isn't doing it yet? (...) Remember that it's a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25 people.” In that regard, the National President took the opportunity to indicate that the review, which will be carried out in nine days, is a 1x10 cut of accounts, to detail parish by parish, street by street, community by community (...) because we are building the most powerful machinery that ever existed in the Bolivarian Revolution. We need a perfect win on July 28th!”

He noted that the victory of July 28 must have two main characteristics. The first is that it must be overwhelming, overwhelming, gigantic and the second is that it must develop in peace. “Peace before, during and after July 28, and that is guaranteed only by the People, or do you want to return to violence and guarimbas? That's what last names want, but I'm not going to let them.”

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