

President Maduro: On July 29 there will be triumph, peace and dialogue

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 26/05/2024 10:23 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, assured that next July 29, after the elections, there will be peace and celebration for the victory of the Fatherland.

“On July 29, I will convene the largest national peace dialogue ever held in Venezuela with all sectors to see the horizons, perspectives and consolidate the future of the country,” he emphasized, this Sunday during a live broadcast on the social network TikTok.

He called for joining forces so that the world knows the truth about Venezuela through the 2.0 battle on social networks.

“Let's make a great effort to overcome lies, banning and censorship. They won't shut us up!” , he stressed.

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