

President Maduro: Neoliberal proposals such as those of Milei generated the Caracazo in Venezuela

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 25/01/2024 06:16 PM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, led the General Assembly of the Federal Governing Council within the framework of the 7T.NETS, where he asserted that the neoliberal proposals for the disintegration of the State are the worst alternative for the Peoples of Latin America that imperialism is trying to impose with figures such as Argentine President Javier Milei.

“Countries need strong states, with strong laws, impregnable as the Liberator (Simon Bolivar) said and not the advice of libertarians coming from Argentina, now with Javier Milei, who intend to disappear the State, denationalize the economy and turn nations into places without collective rights, independence, sovereignty or economy. This is the worst proposal that has ever been heard and tried to implement in any Latin American country,” stressed the national president.
He regretted that in the country and the region there are sectors that ensure that the Milei model is the right one for Venezuela, so he recommended that they see themselves in the neoliberal measures of Carlos Andrés Pérez, which he generated on February 27 and 28, 1989, where the people buried the economic model of imperialism.

He said that a modern, decentralized State that takes into account the diversity of regions and the strengths of that diversity is necessary, however, “that represents a country, that brings together a country and is able, through laws, to bring peace to a country, work, prosperity, progress, progress, progress”.

Hence, he pointed out that lies the importance of the Federal Governing Council and that this year it perfects its institutional mechanisms and advances real and true coordination.

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