

President Maduro: Let's continue building relations between the Peoples of Colombia and Venezuela

“I know that President Petro wants peace and the best for Venezuela,” said President Maduro
Freddy Ñáñez Telegram

Published at: 05/09/2024 07:14 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed that relations between Venezuela and Colombia are progressing in a totally satisfactory manner.

“President Petro knows that he has Venezuela. Let us continue to build the best diplomatic and human relations between the Peoples of Colombia and Venezuela,” he said at the Bolivar Park Convention Center, in La Carlota, where he presided over the 2nd. Venezuela-Colombia Binational Tourism Exchange.

He argued that “there is nothing more than working on a common project, and that common project has to be peace and economic development, the maximum social happiness that is an opinion of Bolíva r”.

The head of state stressed that “I know that President Petro wants peace and the best for Venezuela.”

“We, too, and we will continue to help in everything, would like to do more to accelerate the processes of negotiating and signing peace agreements as facilitators, that's how we have always done it,” he said.

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