

President Maduro led the First Meeting of Volunteering for the Transformation of the Future

“The people are in the street and victory is in the street,” said the head of state

Published at: 19/03/2024 05:46 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that hope “is in the street, the people are in the street and victory is in the street”, referring to the registration of Volunteering for the Transformation of the Future.

In this regard, he considered it a success to achieve, through the Patria System, the registration to date of two million 51,000 volunteers for the future, and more than one million proposals were submitted in 63,000 grassroots meetings.

This was stated by the head of state, from the Monoliths of Paseo Los Próceres, where he led the First Meeting of Volunteering for the Transformation of the Future and the balance of the national popular consultation.

At the beginning of the day, he sent greetings to all social movements, peasants, students, artists, animalists, environmentalists, trade unionists, soldiers in reserve and others.

“I want to thank all the work they have been doing throughout the territory, to the leaders of more than 45 social groups, and more than 230 columns of action,” he said.

On the other hand, it called on the 4,500 communal circuits formed in the country, to the National Popular Consultation to evaluate the projects that will be managed by the communities themselves.

He reported that “I am convening for Sunday, April 21, the National Consultation of Community Councils and communes in the country, in four and a half thousand communal circuits.”

In his interaction with the various social movements, organized popular power and representatives of all the productive sectors of the nation, he highlighted the leading participation of the People in times of the Bolivarian revolution.

President Maduro also agreed to assume that he is the candidate of the 2024 Presidential Elections of social organizations.

I tell the men and women who fight in their communities, in each of their sectors, I am very moved, very motivated and I accept being the presidential candidate of the Social Movements, the Popular Power, the Communal Power and the ordinary People. I accept it, I assume it, I am your candidate!” , he emphasized.

To conclude the activity, he swore in the national team promoting the Great Volunteering for the Transformation of the Future.

The activity is accompanied by the Head of State, the first combatant Cilia Flores de Maduro, Héctor Rodríguez, governor of the state of Miranda and National Coordinator of the Congress of the New Era; together with the Minister of Popular Power for Communes and Social Movements, Guy Vernáez.

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