

President Maduro led the delivery of 5 million housing for the Great Housing Mission Venezuela

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 06/06/2024 05:44 PM

President Nicolás Maduro, during the delivery of the 5 million milestone of the Great Venezuela Housing Mission (GMVV) in the “Che Guevara” Urbanism of the state of Lara, assured that despite 930 sanctions against the country by imperialism, they have not been able to stop the construction of homes for the people.

Commander Chávez is still alive in his work, this great path that we have taken and the Great Housing Mission Venezuela, they have not been able to stop it, nor will they be able to, either with sanctions or with anything, for every sanction a solution!” , stressed the head of state.
From the hands of President Maduro Moros, the Gómez family received the key to the 5 million GMVV milestone in the “Che Guevara” Urbanism, located in the state of Lara.

“I knew this day would come. They waged war on us, but they couldn't stop the Great Venezuela Housing Mission. We are moving forward, persevering and persisting,” he said.

He emphasized that the method of self-construction is the most appropriate and relevant for the Bolivarian and Socialist Revolution.
“Self-construction by their own hands of men and women in communities because the one who builds cares more,” he said.

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