

President Maduro invites you to read the PSUV Newsletter No. 379 (+download)

PSUV Bulletin
Photo @NicolasMaduro

Published at: 22/01/2024 10:31 AM

Through the social network X, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, extended this Monday the invitation to read the Newsletter No. 379 of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

“I invite you to download, read, share and debate in each basic structure, and in national union,” wrote the National President on the social network, in which he shared the link to download.

He also highlighted that this time the Newsletter contains a summary of what was his Annual Message to the Nation, made from the Federal Legislative Palace, from where he issued instructions to implement Plan 7 T, with the objective of responding to what Venezuela needs.

Below is the link to download: PSUV Bulletin No. 379

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