

President Maduro: International Zionism is behind this coup attempt

“We will always be with Palestine, with the People of Gaza and we condemn this brutal genocide,” said President Maduro

Published at: 02/08/2024 06:45 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, assured that “this extremist right is supported and financed by international Zionism, all the communication power of Zionism that controls all social networks, satellites, is behind this attempted coup d'etat.”

“With the triumph of Venezuela, we are providing the greatest example of what a people can do for their independence, their dignity and history, and their right to the future,” he said.

He said that “my Arab brothers and the world know that Venezuela has the right of the Palestinian people to peace, territory and independence.”

“We will always stand with Palestine, with the people of Gaza and we condemn the most brutal genocide that has taken place since the Hitler genocide,” he said.

“We will be with the Arab, Muslim causes that will triumph, sooner rather than later,” said the head of state, during a press conference with national and international media, after his appearance before the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

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