

President Maduro: In the coming days there will be major revelations in the PDVSA-Cripto case

“We are going forward, whoever falls,” said the head of state

Published at: 29/04/2024 08:19 PM

In the case of the corruption scheme of Petroleos de Venezuela, PDVSA-Cripto, the Public Ministry (MP) is continuing with investigations and there will be big surprises in the coming days, said the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during the broadcast of the 43rd edition of the program “With Maduro+”.

“Everything you have and the Attorney General's Office has just taken out is just 1% of what exists,” he said.

He stressed that “this investigation has yielded convincing evidence” and said “we are going ahead, whoever falls”.

In this regard, he stressed that it has been confirmed, with evidence presented by the Public Ministry, that a plan had been articulated in which Tareck El Aissami were linked to the extremist right.

“A very corrupt mafia was formed that took advantage of the trust and power given to them, not only to embezzle the country, not just to steal, but it was articulated in a plan with the extremist right and with the United States government,” he said.

He specified that much more evidence is available than that shown so far, “of conversations, video conferences on zoom and the statements of those involved, who tell the story of everything, my friend”.

He indicated that the talks released this Monday, April 29, by the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, were from May and April 2020, “and they are already talking that they had been working together for two years.”

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