

President Maduro: I'm not the candidate here, it's a people!

President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro
Presidential press photo

Published at: 16/03/2024 04:14 PM

This Saturday, March 16, the president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nicolás Maduro, reaffirmed that his candidacy is that of the People, as Commander Hugo Chávez said in 2012.

Chávez said it and he was right, he said it to the oligarchy, to the surnames and to imperialism (...) he said: 'he's not a man, he's a people, he's not Chávez, he's a people' (...) and I can tell you today: He's not Maduro, he's not a candidate (...) here the candidate is not Maduro, here the candidate is a people, he's the ordinary woman and man, the people of the neighborhood and with them we are going to fight, to battle and to victory”, reaffirmed President Maduro during the V Congress of the PSUV.

He also called on the oligarchy and those who have tried on his life not to be confused and not to underestimate us because we raised the flags of Commander Hugo Chávez.

In addition, he reaffirmed that with the Homeland Plan, and the Plan of the 7 Transformations, Venezuela will continue to move forward to consolidate the Bolivarian Revolution.

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