

President Maduro honors Negra Matea, nurse of El Libertador Simón Bolívar

Nodriza del Libertador Simon Bolivar
X Account of President Nicolás Maduro

Published at: 29/03/2024 01:11 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted the importance of the “Negra Matea”, the nurse of El Libertador Simón Bolívar.

With regard to commemorating 138 years since the planting of this important woman, the head of state specified: “we honor the memory of the “Negra Matea”, who unconditionally accompanied the Liberator Simon Bolivar in his first steps, dreams, joys and sorrows, fulfilling the role of mother, friend and teacher of life”.

On October 28, 1876, when the ceremonies were held for the transfer of the remains of the Liberator from the Cathedral of Caracas to the National Pantheon, Matea was present, who entered the room together with the then President of the Republic, General Antonio Guzmán Blanco.

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