

President Maduro highlights participation in the National Popular Consultation: What a beautiful town!

The Head of State congratulated the 4,500 communal circuits that actively support and facilitate the voting process

Published at: 21/04/2024 05:32 PM

“What a beautiful town! In their Community Councils, with their projects, making their decisions. We are at a historic milestone, that milestone is that that dream of direct democracy, Bolivarian democracy that the Constitution says, participatory and leading is walking, walking, unfolding”.

This is how the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, highlighted the National Popular Consultation that takes place this Sunday, April 21 throughout the country, where the People represented in the organized Popular Power choose the projects to be implemented in their communities by voting.

Through his WhatsApp account , the president said: “Protagonist people, empowered people, Popular Power at the forefront. What a beautiful thing the images I see, step by step, ordinary people, people who love their housing development, their neighborhood and are aware”.

He pointed out that the National Popular Consultation 2024 will allow the People's Power to choose projects that will benefit communities, while insisting on constantly multiplying the experience.

“Also deciding on something very important, projects for your community. We have to multiply this experience, make it a permanent practice and make it daily. It is everyday democracy, a true democracy is one that trusts ordinary people, who give them the voice, the word, the right to decide their affairs as neighbors, as neighbors,” he said.

The Head of State congratulated the 4,500 communal circuits that actively support and facilitate the voting process throughout the country.

“I congratulate the 4,500 communal circuits. What a beautiful town, such a beautiful democracy, such a well-earned and well-defended freedom. A beautiful day, a real historic milestone. I congratulate them. They are deciding there in their community, that's the way it should be for now and forever,” said the president.

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